Problem Gambling in Young People

Problem Gambling in Young People


Problem gambling rates in young people are higher than those in older groups, suggesting that this population is at a greater risk of problem gambling. However, there is limited research about these higher rates. The nascent international research literature suggests that there may be a link between the higher rates and broader developmental issues that affect this population. One study from the United Kingdom found that the prevalence rate for problem gambling in young men was 2.9% compared to 0.8% for 65-74 year olds.

Social impacts of gambling

Gambling impacts the lives of individuals and communities in different ways. It reduces crime, but it can also increase problems such as illegal gambling. A number of studies have examined the social effects of gambling on different groups. Among these, studies have indicated that people from ethnic minority backgrounds are more likely to engage in illegal gambling. In addition, individuals from this group tend to have lower educational levels and are more likely to smoke cigarettes.

The social impacts of gambling are often difficult to quantify. This is because most social effects are nonmonetary in nature. However, a comprehensive evaluation of the social impacts of gambling should take into account the extent and severity of these impacts.


Although there is no specific FDA-approved medication for gambling addiction, many researchers are testing pharmacotherapy in an attempt to help patients overcome the problem. Several drugs, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers, have shown promising results. Other treatments include counseling and financial counseling.

Individuals may seek help from state-sponsored resources in their area. Group therapy may also be effective. The therapist may use role-playing techniques to challenge the client’s negative thinking and behavior. Often, therapy lasts from eight to 15 sessions. During this time, the patient learns effective coping skills and strategies to reduce stress.


Regulation of gambling can be a significant factor in reducing problem gambling. A recent study shows that participation rates in gambling have declined for Norwegian teenagers aged 13 to 19 since note acceptors were banned. This decrease in participation rates was accompanied by a reduction in indicators of problem gambling. Over a 14-year period, the overall level of gambling participation among teenagers fell from 78.5 percent to 64.3%, mainly due to changes in slot machine regulations.

The rationale for gambling regulation is derived from several reasons, including ensuring fair gambling, collecting taxes, and protecting children. In the United Kingdom, stated licensing objectives include ensuring that gambling is conducted in an open, transparent, and ethical manner, and protecting vulnerable people. Other factors influencing regulation include European trade regulations and international taxation issues.

Cost-benefit analysis

A cost-benefit analysis of gambling can help to determine whether it is worth the benefits and costs associated with a particular gambling project. For example, gambling can generate jobs and taxes for a state, but it can also create social problems, such as displacement of residents. In addition, gambling may also increase the costs of credit for the entire economy.

Although the social costs of gambling are often neglected in cost-benefit analysis, they should not be ignored. These costs are not just personal, but affect future generations. This social impact should be considered in an economic cost-benefit analysis, as it may affect the future regulation of gambling.


There is a wide variety of interventions to prevent gambling-related harms. The most promising interventions focus on the use of on-screen pop-up messages. However, these messages need to be endorsed by government and medical agencies. There is also limited evidence supporting industry supply-reduction initiatives. Prevention of gambling programs also should be based on a multifaceted approach, which could include changes to industry structures and regulatory frameworks.

Behavioral interventions such as psychosocial interventions aim to change the beliefs and behaviors that encourage gambling. These techniques are more effective than REE, as they can target specific variables associated with gambling. These programs should emphasize both interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.